Elevating the Candidate Experience for 2020!

It’s a candidate’s job market! A great candidate experience is a must have as part of your talent acquisition and planning strategy.

A great candidate experience is one that makes it simple and easy for passive candidates to apply and one that gets you the right fit for the position. 

If your hiring process requires candidates to jump through hoops such as completing lengthy online applications, multiple interviews, long intervals between communications or requires candidates to complete a project on their own time, then it’s high time to reevaluate your processes.

Analyze the steps in the design of your hiring process from the job posting to the sending the offer letter to streamline your time to hire.

  • Define what skills and abilities you are seeking – the job posting should provide a strong sense of the company culture as well as the job responsibilities 

  • Be selective and reach out to only the most qualified candidates; let under qualified candidates know they are not a match but encourage them to apply for other opportunities.

Here are some ways you can streamline your hiring process and still hire the best fit:

  • Applications: Keep the application process short and simple. If you use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ask a few brief pre-screening questions.

  • Communication is key: Let candidates know you received their resume and when they can expect to hear from you. Communicate with candidates throughout the hiring process.

  • First contact: Your initial outreach sets the tone for all future communication and its important to be friendly and respectful.

  • Agenda: Prior to the interview let the candidate know who they will be meeting with and approximately how long it will take – be sure the candidate is aware of the time commitment and can be relaxed and comfortable. Offer refreshments and a restroom break in between interviews.

  • Interviews: decide in advance who should meet with the candidate; do they really need to meet with six different managers who will ask the same questions? Instead, decide on just one or two interviewers and prepare “areas of focus” for each interviewer to inquire about. One might tackle soft skills such as listening and empathy and the other could tackle the technical skills required to do the job.

  • Updates: if the candidate is not a fit, let her/him know as soon as possible. 

  • Feedback is important: Many candidates are left feeling confused after having great interviews but not getting the job. Giving them brief feedback on the reasons for your decision and encourage them to apply for other openings you may have.

Ensuring candidates have a great experience will increase your chances of converting your candidate into a new team member!

BlueFire HR by FutureSense provides full cycle recruiting and custom Recruiting and Hiring  strategies designed to meet your business needs. Reach out today and see how we can help! For more information, please contact us at snelson@futuresense.com, 773-793-1362 or at 888-892-9597.


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