Our Debt of Gratitude Needs to Continue

FutureSense HR

As our country begins a slow opening amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, let’s use this time to reflect. This unprecedented time of the pandemic allows many of us the luxury to consider the activities of people around us and the difference they make. We are seeing people go beyond their job descriptions. We are seeing people go beyond their own self-expectations. Are they receiving the recognition and gratitude they clearly have earned?

We see the bravery of the medical professionals as they rise to fight the dangers presented by the Covid-19. We are grateful to the service workers, the caretakers, and the many other unsung heroes fighting and risking their lives to save others. Their risk to care for and protect us does not go away once we contain the virus. Sure, we can say it is their calling to do their chosen job in good and bad times. But surely, they deserve it even more.

What about our friends and family? The same people who always check on us cheer us up and do the things we have come to expect. They offer unconditional support. They are always there for us. We are grateful every day and do our best to make that known.

Of course, we are struggling to recognize these heroes properly. And, yes, we hear about applause cheers and “howls” that happen as medical personnel change shifts. We read the countless stories of patients expressing their gratitude to the doctors and nurses for caring for them during their hospital stays. We even see stories of gratitude surrounding the employees deemed essential workers that keep our day-to-day world running. However, there is something that consistently needles at me. Why isn’t the recognition of these everyday heroes regularly shown by expressing our gratitude for the jobs they do so willingly? Why does it take a pandemic to motivate our displays of appreciation? What would life be if we led with gratitude every day?

Why are we so inconsistent with gratitude?

We are often guilty of overlooking the members of the team that are always there for us. The same people are innovating ways to serve others and the employees who go beyond to make a difference in the day to day operations of business. During the past couple of months, these are the same employees that have found a way to adapt quickly and pivot the way we serve our clients. They persevere when times are calm and when they are rough. We cannot thank them enough.

There are many benefits to being grateful. Countless studies demonstrate how gratitude has a positive effect on the mental and even physical health of both the giver and the receiver. Being grateful is consciously recognizing how much you appreciate someone or something. There is also a positive correlation between gratitude and work engagement. Recognition-based incentives or simple appreciation can demonstrate our gratitude more effectively than money or titles. Just think about what we might accomplish if our appreciation for these employees was recognized more frequently.

The science shows the effect of recognition and gratitude on employees. The increased level of job satisfaction that comes with these non-monetary rewards is clear. Knowing these effects, why wouldn’t we express our gratitude every day. Why would we wait for a national emergency to recognize and

show our appreciation? Wouldn’t we all be better off if we looked through the lens of gratitude every day and in everything?

Here’s a thought for discussion. Is it possible to appreciate someone too much? I doubt it. Is it possible for someone to feel underappreciated? Nearly everyone. This goes beyond a formulaic thank you or prize for participation. This is about making an effort to emotionally connect with another human being and communicate how valuable they are as a person. Anyone can do it. Everyone should do it. Maybe it’s time for each of us to do more of it.

If you would like to discuss these issues, your COVID struggles, perhaps even help with more advanced compensation consulting approaches, or need an executive coach to talk to, contact us at 888-336-0909 or info@futuresense.com.

Remember to practice gratitude daily.


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