News & Insights

HR Consulting Services Kellie Fielding HR Consulting Services Kellie Fielding

8 Critical Questions for Successful Homeschooling While Working

Are you finding that your stress level increases as the days count down to the first day of the school? With the new school year quickly approaching, many are feeling overwhelmed at the aspect of trying to balance their work responsibilities along with continuing to have their children at home throughout the workday. Questions swirl in your mind as you try to determine how you will effectively meet your job requirements while feeling the added responsibility of overseeing your children’s educational needs…

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Employee Pay and The Truth About Gig Workers

While this seems like a pure HR issue, it is a compensation issue. Paying employees costs more than paying contractors. It’s a fact. Companies are increasingly focused on more aggressive profit margins. The concept of “gig workers” help solve this issue by allowing companies to grow without paying…

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