News & Insights

Compensation Dan Walter Compensation Dan Walter

7 Current Post-Pandemic Compensation Developments

Companies are addressing talent acquisition challenges with better pay. Equity compensation vesting schedules may finally be changing. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals are getting more than lip service. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) metrics are becoming what we thought they would be before COVID-19 began. And executives somehow continue to be paid well despite some less than stellar results. Here’s a quick round-up of what we’re seeing and what we aren’t.

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Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense

The Rewards of Employee Trust and How to Gain It?

About a year ago, Abigail began her first day on a new job. She was a software engineer, new to the workforce, and eager to make a good impression on her colleagues. At the end of the day, she noticed a fine, jagged line on the floor of the office, stretching the length of the building. She examined it, puzzled. She was pretty sure she hadn’t noticed it earlier, and almost as sure that it hadn’t been there when she’d arrived. For a moment she considered asking someone about it, but she didn’t feel comfortable inquiring about structural integrity on her first day.

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HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson and Stacey Wanninger HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson and Stacey Wanninger

Top Ten Signs You Are a Toxic Workplace and How to Fix It

Employee burnout is something all organizations face regardless of industry, employee experience or position within the company. When that is coupled with the stress of the past 18 months, including COVID, political unrest, and other stressors in our lives, we find that people can begin buckling under that pressure. Keeping that in mind, as leaders, we need to figure out ways to not only retain our employees but, keep them from reaching the point where they burn out. We addressed retention in our last blog post and went into detail about ways to improve your culture and unearth underlying issues within your team.

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Equity Compensation, HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson and Stacey Wanninger Equity Compensation, HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson and Stacey Wanninger

How Can a Performance Improvement Plan Help Retain Employees?

A widely held belief is that the underlying purpose of a Performance Improvement Plan is to begin the documentation process toward termination. This might be the case. But it may not be.

Employers spend considerable time and money searching for a candidate and even more time and money training that employee to carry out the job responsibilities. Employers generally want to work with employees and try to retain them.

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HR Consulting Services Kyle Cupp HR Consulting Services Kyle Cupp

Employees Want More - Can You Offer It?

It’s still too early to tell how great the “Great Resignation” will be. Or if it even lives up to that description. True, lots of employees are considering changing jobs, but there’s a world of difference between thinking about quitting and actively hunting for a new opportunity. There’s no doubt, though, that employees want more out of their work life. And they’re willing to fight for what they want or leave if they don’t get it.

What more do these unsatisfied employees want? That depends. Really, the best way to learn what your employees want is simply to ask them. We cannot stress this enough. Check-ins with managers are an ideal time for this if both managers and their direct reports are comfortable having such conversations. Anonymous surveys are another option. If nothing else, conduct exit interviews.

But while individual desires vary, they tend right now to fall into a few general themes: greater freedom and flexibility, a bigger say in the workplace, better compensation, and increased safety and security. Employers that can meet these demands have an advantage in today’s job market. Let’s look at each in turn.

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