News & Insights

Compensation, Equity Compensation Dan Walter Compensation, Equity Compensation Dan Walter

3 Reasons Equity Compensation is Experiencing Climate Change

Equity Compensation has been slowly going through its own version of climate change. Much like our planet, the environment for equity compensation has been changing for decades and very few have adjusted or even noticed. Whether you agree with the causes of climate change it is hard to deny that weather is different than it was even 50 years ago. Regardless of the driving forces, it is impossible not to recognize that equity compensation is delivering different results than it was when it became the major currency of tech startups in the 1980s and 1990s.

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A Finger on the Scales of Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

A bigger issue may be figuring out to properly pay and reward the most highly productive when you no longer have the ease of patting them on the back or giving them public recognition. There is no doubt that the biggest issue is work-life balance. Solutions to that issue will require new thoughts on compensation succession planning and workforce tools.

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Remote Compensation – What About Equity?

Equity compensation is an area where many compensation professionals lack confidence on even the most standard of programs. ISOs, Non-Quals, PSUs, RSUs, ESPPs are pretty much the extent of most programs in the U.S. From a management perspective these programs are a bit like computer worms or viruses. They have tentacles that stretch in securities law, employment law, corporate governance, valuation, accounting issues, monetary rules, and tax concerns. A simple change of employee venue can change any, and sometimes all, of these.

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