How to Setup Your New Employees for Success in the First 90 Days

The first 90-days on the job is considered a crucial period for new employees because it sets the foundation for their whole tenure within an organization. It is essential to make an employee feel comfortable and welcome, which adds to long-term employee retention. The employee may not know many people or anyone at the company, so as his/her manager, they’ll appreciate that you show an interest and enthusiasm that they have joined your team.

There are a few key steps to ensure that the employee’s first 90-days are as successful as they can be:

Has the employee’s desk set up before they start? I have experienced new jobs that didn’t even have a desk or access to a computer during the first week on the job throughout my career. Although I was usually in training, the first week of these jobs did require computer access which left me at a loss from the beginning. It was frustrating as a new employee not to have the tools to do the job. Also, making sure all new hire and orientation paperwork is available for the employee can help make the first day a good one.

On the first day, introduce them to the team. A luncheon with the team or simple introductions will help the new employee feel welcome. Give the employee some time during his/her first day to talk to a colleague about the position and let them pick his/her brain a bit. At the end of the day, sit down with the employee to make sure they enjoyed his/her first day and to see if they have any specific questions.

Setting goals is critical for the first 90-days. The goals should both align with the new hire’s position and the organization’s strategic plan. Create a plan for what the employee should have accomplished within the first 30/60/90 day periods. At BlueFire HR, we frequently develop onboarding toolkits for all new hires. These kits outline goals, people to meet, roles, and understanding of what is expected from them, from you, and other essential positions are impacting his/her work. Also, if the employee needs a certification or a license as a part of his/her job, that should be outlined early on, depending on the requirements. Also, make sure that you set specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-based goals (SMART). 

A 45-day review is a critical review. At this point, the employee should know enough about the company, how it works, and familiarity with the position and what is required. It’s a great time to see if the employee is happy and if they understand the bigger picture with the company. 

90-day review is essentially the end of the employee’s trial period. They should have made significant strides in his/her work, and you should be able to see results. The employee should understand what needs to be done and his/her expectations are going forward. This is also a period where, depending on the company and/or contract, if the employee is not performing up to standards, they can be let go. 

Although these are not specific rules for managing the first 90-days, they should help an employee succeed. For example, in my experience, what was discouraging as a new employee was not having proper materials or even a desk to sit at. However, where I have succeeded was at companies where they took the initiative and provided all the materials to be prepared to do the job, had meetings every few weeks to see how I was doing, and provided me with support if an issue arose. 

All companies are different; managing the first 90-days shouldn’t vary too much. Showing the employee that they are welcomed and important and providing them with the materials and feedback they need will give them the confidence and knowledge they need to succeed. Adding to this, introducing a bonus, compensation and reward system in particular could improve their desire to remain with the business.

There will never be a one-size-fits-all solution to every organization as needs vary across industries, size, and type of workforce. FutureSense is adept at helping organizations tailor programs to enable growth and success and offer support and guidance to manage your workforce. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help, need assistance with your workforce strategy, strategic planning, or HR operations; or you need an executive coach to talk to, contact us

About FutureSense 

FutureSense is a management consulting firm that provides integrated solutions to build and sustain human capital capacity. The firm can work with you by offering support and guidance to manage your workforce. To learn more about FutureSense, please visit 


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