Why I am Not Afraid of AI (ChatGPT Beware!)

The usual hand-wringing that comes after a game-changing innovation has subsided with the surge in interest in ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) applications. People imagine a future in which they will be obsolete and replaced as soon as they see how a new device can perform tasks better than they can. To put it plainly, some of this will occur. I'm not frightened to be informed. I appreciate the opportunity.

It is still in its infancy. It takes information and data that have already been created and quickly compiles it in new ways. I had it write a beautiful sonnet about equity compensation. It was much better and faster than I could have written on my own. But I am not a poet.

The difference between AI and people is the laser bright line between thought leaders and thought repeaters. This is the difference between consultants who provide the solutions and guidance you need and those who give the answers created for a more vanilla situation.

A valuable consultant creates solutions that are based on your needs and intentions. Average consultants, like AI, provide answers based on a vague amalgam of responses created for similar situations. A poor consultant provides recommendations based on standard answers they give for almost every case. AI doesn’t scare me any more than a wrong consultant. But it should scare you.

If you are looking for fast, cheap, common answers, AI will provide them. You should be terrified if your job is based on looking things up and putting them into a new format or standard report. AI will be faster and better than you in a matter of months. If your source of knowledge is a remarkable ability to search Google or Bing and pick the “best” answer, your job will disappear in the next 1-3 years. If AI can do your job, it will…soon.

How do you win against a tool that is designed to replace you? Do what it can’t. Become better.

AI will not be able to see the future better than you for some time. You will need to improve your knowledge and your strategic thinking abilities. You will need to up-skill your understanding of people and how to help them optimize their performance. You will need to think harder about a better way to do things than just using someone else’s formerly “best” way. In short, you are smarter and need to use that to improve.

I am not afraid because I have tested the limits of AI by challenging it to give me answers to challenging issues that my clients still need to face. AI can only provide solutions based on what is known, so anyone who wishes to will always have an advantage. Take the next six months to upgrade your knowledge. Hire consultants who question the status quo. The goal is to improve, not just to be a better version of the same old thing.

About FutureSense 

FutureSense is a management consulting firm that provides integrated solutions to build and sustain human capital capacity. The firm can work with you by offering support and guidance to manage your workforce. To learn more about FutureSense, please visit FutureSense.com 


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