News & Insights

HR Consulting Services Kellie Fielding HR Consulting Services Kellie Fielding

8 Critical Questions for Successful Homeschooling While Working

Are you finding that your stress level increases as the days count down to the first day of the school? With the new school year quickly approaching, many are feeling overwhelmed at the aspect of trying to balance their work responsibilities along with continuing to have their children at home throughout the workday. Questions swirl in your mind as you try to determine how you will effectively meet your job requirements while feeling the added responsibility of overseeing your children’s educational needs…

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HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein

Is your Handbook of Value within your Culture?

Every company needs an employee handbook. This necessary tool outlines the basic rules and policies for the company, explains what behavior is acceptable, and communicates state and federal laws and regulations for employers/employees. It is important to keep this handbook updated as these laws and regulations change annually and frequently.

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HR Consulting Services Megan Cook HR Consulting Services Megan Cook

Do you know how to Manage?

Whether you have been managing for 25 years or a few months, ask yourself the question – has anyone taught you how to manage or are you trying to figure it out as you go? Managing employees well leads to impressive outcomes and unparalleled team success, but how do you know if you are doing it right?  

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Pay Equity - USWNT Enough Already This IS Ridiculous!

As an American, I am incredibly proud that our Women’s National Team has, once again, won the World Cup. As a compensation professional, I have had enough. When our country’s (and the world’s) best team in one of the truly international sports cannot be remunerated at least equal to a less-accomplished men’s team, we have the foundation of a problem that seemingly only compensation pros can fix. This article is not about facts and figures (there are links to those at the end). This is about what it takes to accomplish gender equity (and what that actually means) even after you have the facts.

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Compensation - USWNT – Enough Already, This IS RIDICULOUS!

If we cannot expect this team to be paid for their performance, how convincing can we possibly be when we claim that ANYONE is being paid for their performance? (I know, I know, some of you work at companies that have fixed this problem, but you are still the minority.) More importantly, if this is such a difficult thing to fix for a group of fewer than 30 women, how can most companies expect to fix pay issues for much, much larger groups?

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HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne

Anti-Harassment training is no longer an afterthought - it’s become an absolute must do!

Claims of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct in the workplace can be found in every industry including small and large corporations in law, education, non-profits and the financial sector. Never happened at your company? Don’t assume it’s not happening just because someone hasn’t complained (yet)!

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

The New I-9 is here

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published the newest version of the Form I-9. The form, used to verify employment eligibility, will be mandatory beginning September 18, 2017. This new form has a revision date of 07/17/17 N which is shown at the bottom of each page on the form.

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