HR to the Moon!

It happens every month, once a month, and it’s been happening since the dawn of time—the moon waxes and wanes, pulling the tides along with it.  The invisible force of gravity, as slight as it may seem, has a tremendous effect on all life on this planet.

Pets tend to get injured.  Doodlebugs dig larger holes.  Lions kill during the day (they usually hunt at night).  And scorpions glow blue amidst the moonlight.[1]  Plants are also affected – leaf growth is actually stimulated by more moonlight during the night.[2]  

And there is no doubt it has an impact on us, humans, or is there?  Women’s reproductive cycles tend to be in sync with the moon.  The actual impacts on our behavior, however, has been oft-overlooked by modern science, despite thousands of years of anecdotal evidence.  New studies are showing that things like sleep and mood swings in bi-polar patients are affected by the moon.  There are also studies indicating that crime tends to see an uptick during the full moon.[3]  At our most core level, we all can understand – to some degree or another – that the moon affects us.

So, what does this mean for HR, and why are we writing this article? The BlueFire HR team and its plethora of experiences have noticed one thing in particular: things pick up around the full moon.

 You may see the following in your employees during a full moon:

  • Employees can be tenser, quick-tempered, and overall stressed out;

  • Disagreements seem to be on the uptick;

  • Un-resolved benefits and human resource (HR) issues seem to be on top of everyone’s list; and 

  • All staff can feel overwhelmed and just completely off. 

Managing these issues for our clients means a distinct reduction in our clients’ stressors, and we are equipped to handle it.  For all executives and HR leaders out there, we recommend considering the following:

  • Reminding staff to meditate, take care of themselves, and take time to relax. 

  • Letting staff know that they are supported and that either HR or their manager is there for them. 

  • Making sure employees know your management and HR team are there for them. 

  • No matter what, remind all staff that “this too shall pass.”

Many ancient tribes and civilizations (if not most) had traditions, rituals, and ceremonies around each full moon. These activities served to influence behavior and facilitate group dynamics.  Organizations and companies, as far as we’ve come, still function somewhat like these tribes.  Perhaps it’s time to consider your full-moon ritual?  At the very least, acknowledging the lunar passing of each month, outside of our desktop calendars, could provide a sense of connection and belonging.  

People excite us.  Science and psychology excite us.  And the universe excites us.  We’re students of all these things, and we lend our expertise to help our clients and community navigate tricky challenges about people in the workplace.

To help support your company during these crazy times, FutureSense provides fractional HR support for a wide range of companies across the country.  Do you or your company need more HR support? Have you communicated with your employees about reducing stress and overall wellness? FutureSense can help! Don’t hesitate to reach out at




About FutureSense 

FutureSense is a management consulting firm that provides integrated solutions to build and sustain human capital capacity. The firm can work with you by offering support and guidance to manage your workforce. To learn more about FutureSense, please visit 


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