News & Insights

Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense

The Rewards of Employee Trust and How to Gain It?

About a year ago, Abigail began her first day on a new job. She was a software engineer, new to the workforce, and eager to make a good impression on her colleagues. At the end of the day, she noticed a fine, jagged line on the floor of the office, stretching the length of the building. She examined it, puzzled. She was pretty sure she hadn’t noticed it earlier, and almost as sure that it hadn’t been there when she’d arrived. For a moment she considered asking someone about it, but she didn’t feel comfortable inquiring about structural integrity on her first day.

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HR Consulting Services Stacey Wanninger HR Consulting Services Stacey Wanninger

Why Is Our Talent Disappearing and What Can We Do To Stop It?

As we attempt to grow our companies or rehire and recover from the last 18 months, it is apparent employers are all attempting to understand why some of our talented employees are looking for new opportunities. Sometimes, those opportunities don’t appear to be necessarily better as they are offering comparable pay or room for advancement. So why is our talent disappearing?

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HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne

New CA Employment Laws 2021

There are several significant changes to employment laws in California for 2021. Employers should update policies and procedures, including their Employee Handbooks, and have them ready to go by January 1, 2021.

These new laws affect nearly every California employer regardless of size or industry. Here are some of the highlights of the new provisions.

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HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein

HR Planning for 2021

We have survived a lot this year. As we enter the holidays and start to plan for 2021, we need to consider our focus. Many organizations may prioritize their bottom line, sales & revenue to stay afloat, expanding to cover untapped markets, or pushing for governmental regulation changes to support their business efforts. These are all valid and important; however, they may miss the most essential point. Without engaged employees, all this is moot.

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HR Consulting Services Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Matt Finkelstein

HR to the Moon!

It happens every month, once a month, and it’s been happening since the dawn of time—the moon waxes and wanes, pulling the tides along with it. The invisible force of gravity, as slight as it may seem, has a tremendous effect on all life on this planet.

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HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein

Is your Handbook of Value within your Culture?

Every company needs an employee handbook. This necessary tool outlines the basic rules and policies for the company, explains what behavior is acceptable, and communicates state and federal laws and regulations for employers/employees. It is important to keep this handbook updated as these laws and regulations change annually and frequently.

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

The New I-9 is here

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published the newest version of the Form I-9. The form, used to verify employment eligibility, will be mandatory beginning September 18, 2017. This new form has a revision date of 07/17/17 N which is shown at the bottom of each page on the form.

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