Knock-Out 2016

As all of us are ramping up for 2016, it is important take a sigh of relief for a job well done. Just for a second allow yourself to acknowledge the things you got done in 2015 and remind yourself how you felt when it might not be doable but you did it...way to go! Now if you were able to tackle those things that seems impossible what will 2016 have in store for you?

As we end BlueFire HR's first year, we thought it would be nice to recap the trends and requests we saw with our clients, mentors, mentees, and our partners.

  • Interim HR (OnCall HR) – From time-to-time interim HR services are needed to keep a company going with a departure of a leader or simply as companies are being overhauled. FutureSense was there to help those clients in need with interim services and to help get them to the next level.

  • Performance Management – FutureSense loves to inspire and motivate through formal performance management processes. We were truly enthralled when we were able to revamp and train a variety of different clients with customized HR performance management plans. We loved this for it gave us an opportunity to inspire.

  • Investigations – FutureSense had a plethora of clients that needed help with investigations. Whether dealing with bullying, harassment, or simply communication issues, BlueFire HR likes to help remedy any situation. We were honored to be tapped as such partners.

  • Talent Acquisition – FutureSense has worked with a number of clients to get their talent acquisition strategy and processes in place. We want to ensure that you are doing all you can do to find and retain those candidates you are excited to have you on your team. Try us out this year.

  • Coaching - There was a vast number of you would needing coaching, whether moving into new roles, preparing for your next career adventure, or simply a request from leadership. We saw great growth in so many people and are excited to see what 2016 brings for all of them.

  • Overall HR Operations - Frequently FutureSense has requests for HR audits and overhauls of HR operations and/or processes. You may have a great innovative HR team, but sometimes it is nice for someone to review it and make recommendations. We can all improve and learn every day.

  • Team Building – FutureSense was honored to facilitate a variety of team building workshops. We pride ourselves on motivating employees and finding their passion within their existing companies. Whether strategic planning and planning sessions, communication, or simply working better together - we loved every second.

The fields that FutureSense serves are Healthcare and Long-Term Care Facilities, Non-Profits, Technology, Start-ups, Venture Capital, manufacturing facilities, and many more. All had one thing in common they were looking to maximize their investment in human capital. We love our clients and were honored to help each and every one we could.

It is always important that we acknowledge our vast number of business partners that we have connected with and look forward to continue working with. Whether referring business to or working on a project together. We truly love the comradery and will continue developing those fabulous partnerships.

So what is on-tap for 2016? We will continue our year of growth in our knowledge and our network. We hope we can help you in 2016.


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