Open for Business in the New Normal – What does that mean? 

As the COVID-19 numbers begin to fall in many areas, it is time to contemplate the new normal. Organizations across the world are deliberating the new normal and what it means. Among these considerations are how we work, support clients, and re-invest in the economy. 

  • As employees return to the workplace or continue to work remotely, efforts will continue to keep the virus contained. A good start is looking at what critical businesses have already been doing to stay operational during the pandemic shutdown. Here are a few possibilities to consider. 

  • 50/50 Workplace - Allow 50 percent of the employees back to the workplace at a time. This can be done on varying days or weeks but will ensure that all employees keep a safe social distance from each other while doing their jobs effectively. 

  • Masks in the Office - Consider mandating all employees to wear masks in the office. These should be worn daily, especially as employees interact with each other. (Some firms are creating company branded masks. This might be a great way to show cohesion and add fun to a high-priority obligation.) 

  • Clean Worksites - Ensure worksites are clean. As employers, it is essential to have disinfecting supplies always on hand. Encourage employees to clean their workspaces and personal items such as cell phones daily. Make instant hand sanitizers available in all public areas. 

  • Social Distancing for Clients - How will we interact with our clients? This may include spacing out lines and minimizing appointments. This is something executive teams and HR should carefully consider and determine what is right for each organization and how the processes may evolve as conditions change. 

  • Taking Sick Days - Gone are the times where employees can come to work with a cold or any illness symptoms. Reiterate the sick policy and the importance of adhering to it repeatedly. Consider the continuation of policies that support working from home when illness may be a concern. 

  • Temperature Testing at the Door - For employees not calling in sick and coming to work, consider temperature testing at the door at the beginning of employee shifts. If, for example, an employee’s temperature measures between 99.5 - 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit, they will need to be retested every half hour. However, anyone with a temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit will be sent home until their temperature remains under 100 degrees for 24-hours. 

  • Antibody Tests and Verifications - Although the medical community is still working on testing for antibodies, these and other types of tests may be an option for employees to return to work by providing proof of results. We will see ongoing efforts for antidotes and vaccines. One day we may need to consider tests and treatment as a part of employment. 

As we make critical decisions around our new norm, we will need to deliberate over what this all means to the privacy of employees. (e.g., What if a woman is ovulating and her temperature is elevated?) What will happen to Private Health Information (PHI)? Will we see testing for COVID-19 as a part of the pre-employment process? What about verification around antibodies and isolation periods? Many answers are still unclear, but the most successful companies will make every attempt to update their approach as new information is available. 

Whatever the changes may be, communicate these new standard operating procedures or policies immediately and regularly for the foreseeable future. It will not be possible to overcommunicate. You will, in many cases, need your employees to sign-off on these new items. Whether writing new policies, assisting your executive teams, managers, and HR teams or simply being there to hear concerns, we are here for you. Let’s navigate this new normal together. 

Contact us today at or 888-336-0909, if you are looking for assistance with team support, tailored management and business planning seminars for your organization, executive or career counseling, or even assistance with improved hr consulting methods


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