News & Insights

Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense Compensation, HR Consulting Services FutureSense

The Rewards of Employee Trust and How to Gain It?

About a year ago, Abigail began her first day on a new job. She was a software engineer, new to the workforce, and eager to make a good impression on her colleagues. At the end of the day, she noticed a fine, jagged line on the floor of the office, stretching the length of the building. She examined it, puzzled. She was pretty sure she hadn’t noticed it earlier, and almost as sure that it hadn’t been there when she’d arrived. For a moment she considered asking someone about it, but she didn’t feel comfortable inquiring about structural integrity on her first day.

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Motivation for the Long Haul

2020 provided many challenges never before experienced, and many employers are wondering how to motivate their teams for the long haul. Whether you are trying to keep your business afloat or have thrived during the pandemic period, the first step is to acknowledge the challenges and celebrate even the small wins.

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HR Consulting Services Stacey Wanninger HR Consulting Services Stacey Wanninger

Why Is Our Talent Disappearing and What Can We Do To Stop It?

As we attempt to grow our companies or rehire and recover from the last 18 months, it is apparent employers are all attempting to understand why some of our talented employees are looking for new opportunities. Sometimes, those opportunities don’t appear to be necessarily better as they are offering comparable pay or room for advancement. So why is our talent disappearing?

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Are You Marketing Yourself?

As the country hits an all-time high in unemployment claims, many of you are on the hunt for the next big career move. But have you thought about your brand, your target job, industry, or culture? It is important you market yourself and that your “brand” is on point. You need to market “You” as the best version of yourself. You may have flaws and weaknesses, but “you” the brand shouldn’t, or at least appear that way. Thinking of yourself as a better-than-average worker who can accomplish anything with ease is almost superhuman. The job market is extremely competitive, and marketing yourself in the best light is a key aspect in finding your ideal position. Here are six (6) components in marketing yourself.

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