Why Coaching Can Help You Get to the Next Level

June 2021

By Stephanie H. Nelson, Managing Consultant

      BlueFire HR by FutureSense


Being a longtime advocate of coaching I have found it to be quite valuable. In many respects I feel it has given me the tools to accomplish so much more at a faster pace.

In my career, coaching has brought perspective and insight that I would have never received from a mentor, friend, or superior. It has allowed me to more reflective about my choices and in many ways helped me to be a better leader. I have valued the need for a coach whether in business or in competitive sports. At times both create the possibility for negative thoughts to get in the way due the tremendous amount pressure, a coach can help to give direction and remove obstacles in both arenas.

Being a woman in business the road has never been easy. I have had so many colleagues that have run into the “boys-club”, the “unbearable boss” and it is hard to find tools in order to navigate those intense waters. Having a coach gave me the opportunity to be honest about the situation and see a solution without emotion in several circumstances.

Professional development coaching can be particularly helpful for those looking to move up the corporate ladder, or into more senior positions. Through these meetings, you’ll have the chance to identify and work on your weaknesses, learn from your mistakes, and set goals for what you’d like to achieve in the future.

In a coaching setting, you’ll have someone there who has been in your shoes before — they know what it takes and will work with you every step of the way..

What you should expect from coaching is the following:

·       Insight

·       Perspective

·       Ability to reflect objectively on decisions.

There will never be a one-size-fits-all solution to every organization as needs vary across industries, size, and type of workforce. BlueFire HR by FutureSense is adept at helping organizations tailor programs to enable growth and success and offer support and guidance to manage your workforce. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help, need assistance with your workforce strategy, strategic planning, or HR operations; or you need an executive coach to talk to, contact us info@futuresense.com.


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