News & Insights

HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Motivation for the Long Haul

2020 provided many challenges never before experienced, and many employers are wondering how to motivate their teams for the long haul. Whether you are trying to keep your business afloat or have thrived during the pandemic period, the first step is to acknowledge the challenges and celebrate even the small wins.

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HR Consulting Services Megan Cook HR Consulting Services Megan Cook

Do you know how to Manage?

Whether you have been managing for 25 years or a few months, ask yourself the question – has anyone taught you how to manage or are you trying to figure it out as you go? Managing employees well leads to impressive outcomes and unparalleled team success, but how do you know if you are doing it right?  

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5 Reasons We Can’t Fix Executive Compensation

Executive compensation, especially at larger companies, continues to soar ever upward. Headlines in local newspapers and websites around the US are reporting record years, once again. While there are valid arguments for many huge CEO pay packages, there are at least as many that defy explanation. Why can’t we get our arms around this issue?

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