Are you Attracting the Best Talent?

Good ‘ole Talent Acquisition. Two words that most hiring managers hate to hear, because most of the time, it means one of their best has just left for a “better opportunity”. Why does it always seem that the grass is greener; and why does it seem that other companies, dare I say your competitors, are always attracting the best candidates? 

BlueFireHR by FutureSense can help you attract the best candidates. We are industry experts in talent acquisition, human resource consulting, compensation analysis, and more. Whether you have a low budget or no budget at all, there are many different things you can do to attract the best talent. In today’s COVID world where unemployment is high and the competition is strong, it is more important than ever to attract the best candidates. 

How do you attract the best? Great question. I suggest first starting off by jotting down a list of your company’s best attributes. Next, create a wish-list of items that you wish your company offered. Which list is longer? I’m going to guess that some of the things you wished for are some of the reasons why your best employees are leaving for better opportunities, or worse, leaving to go work for your competitor. Let’s take a look at some budget-friendly ideas you can start implementing immediately. 

  1. Are you offering flexible work schedules? Your employees have life outside of work. Some of your employees are currently stressed with “How am I going to juggle my job with my child’s virtual school schedule?”. Be empathetic to their situation and work with them on a schedule that is fair for both of you. 

  2. What is your culture like? Is it something you brag about to your friends or something you ignore when asked? Even in our new, involuntary remote world, you can still have a fun culture. Create a fun Slack channel or YouTube channel for your employees to take a break and catch a laugh. Start Zoom Happy Hours or even a Zoom pet chats - what’s more entertaining than two cats having a stare down via a computer screen? Get creative and bring some joy into your monotonous day. 

  3. What programs do you offer your employees to advance their skills? What tools do you offer them to succeed? Take a survey and find out what your employees want. 

  4. Competitive benefits and compensation plans. This one was provided by our friend Captain Obvious. In all seriousness, when was the last time you reviewed your comp plans? how do they measure up against your competitors? 

  5. Diversity and Inclusion. Two very strong words that need to be said out loud and taken very seriously. Both deserve their own blog. Be a leader and set an example.

Happy employees are the best employees. They are more productive, more inclined to take on additional projects, and will naturally work harder. Happy employees also make the best brand ambassadors and in today’s social media-driven world, there is nothing better than free good press. 

“Talent Acquisition” doesn’t have to be words you don’t want to hear; simply make your company one in which people will want to work. Even the slightest changes, especially in these trying times, will show your employees (and future employees) that you are doing your best to make your company a place everyone will want to work. The return on that investment is invaluable.

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