Hiring, Are You Doing it Right?

We are all attempting to fill our vacancies as fast as humanly possible. But as we address our vacancies at such a fast pace, you might miss the boat on hiring effectively versus efficiently, or possibly both. 

 Please take a moment to sit back and think about your hiring process, how you are approaching vacancies, and how are hiring managers are handling it all. 

Here are some things to consider about your recruitment and your entire hiring approach.

What is your value offering?

Do the people you are interviewing understand the value proposition in joining your team? You aren’t just out to find the right employee, but do they understand how they will fit into the culture, the organization’s values, and do they care about the services or products you provide? What is your organization's service, and what is the value your customers/clients see – can the new hires/candidates see this? Namely, the salary package that you can learn and improve by consulting experienced professionals who offer an effective customized program.

Are your hiring managers making hiring a priority? 

We have all seen it. You, as the recruiter, send a plethora of screened candidates, and you don’t hear back from the hiring manager… FYI – that won’t work in this job market. Candidates are disappearing within a week and sometimes less. Candidates are ready to make changes, whether finding something new or entering a different culture. Knowing this, when the right offer is in front of them, they are ready to jump. We no longer have the luxury of waiting to review resumes and hiring managers need to make this a top priority as soon as they receive the screened candidates in their inbox. 

Are you hiring the right talent? 

Two thoughts around this. When someone resigns or an FTE is approved, are you taking the time to evaluate the reason for the opening and whether you should approach the position differently? 

I have always been a big proponent of managing talent, not the job description. This is key to engagement and overall retention, but are you taking the time to review this when you have an opening? Next, ask yourself how each function contributes to the value that your organization provides. Consider whether that work needs to happen or can be absorbed by a different position or department. 

Also, hiring managers must ask the right questions to garner the right fit for the new hire. 
Feel free to check out the free interview guide linked to the article – you are welcome to adopt this. 

Have your recruiting process and communications down!

We have all seen that you apply to a job, interview various people, and then….nothing. You feel like you have been ghosted as a candidate. This is not a good look for any company, but it happens more often than you think. Ensuring your recruitment process is solid for all parties involved should be part of an annual evaluation. Whether manual (aka. Emailed resumes) or within an applicant tracking system, making sure your process meets the needs of your culture and the candidates you are trying to work with should be established well in advance of recruiting candidates. Second, even if you have a solid recruitment process, you have already failed out of the gate if that does not include communication as a part of the process. 

Establishing your recruiting process or Talent Acquisition Strategy should be first and foremost AND must include communication guidance, ownership, and timelines. Getting those three elements down will help you significantly in the long run. 

Invest in your new hire!

Now that you have finally made an offer and the new hire is starting in two weeks, you need to establish a solid onboarding schedule with many areas involved in the candidate’s success while they are with the company. Your onboarding should include 30-to-90-day goals, a who’s who, check-ins with key team members (not just their manager), and a broad understanding of how their position fits into its success. 

Whatever your approach to recruitment, incorporating any of these critical elements will get you on the path to success and could help increase your retention overall. 

To help address these topics and anything related to HR Operations, Communications, or Recruitment, feel free to contact FutureSense. We are adept at helping organizations tailor programs to enable growth and success through hr consulting and offer support and guidance to manage your workforce. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help, need assistance with your workforce strategy, strategic planning, or HR operations, or you need an executive coach to talk to, contact us at info@futuresense.com.

About FutureSense 

FutureSense is a management consulting firm that provides integrated solutions to build and sustain human capital capacity. The firm can work with you by offering support and guidance to manage your workforce. To learn more about FutureSense, please visit FutureSense.com 


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