News & Insights

HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Should we make COVID Vaccinations Mandatory?

Now that effective vaccines against COVID-19 are available (although not yet widely), employers wonder whether they should require employees to get vaccinated. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance indicates that employers can generally require employees to get the COVID vaccine as a condition of continued employment. However, employers who do so will need to consider making exceptions for employees who cannot get vaccinated because of a disability or religious belief.

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HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne HR Consulting Services Aisling Byrne

New CA Employment Laws 2021

There are several significant changes to employment laws in California for 2021. Employers should update policies and procedures, including their Employee Handbooks, and have them ready to go by January 1, 2021.

These new laws affect nearly every California employer regardless of size or industry. Here are some of the highlights of the new provisions.

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HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Stephanie Nelson & Matt Finkelstein

HR Planning for 2021

We have survived a lot this year. As we enter the holidays and start to plan for 2021, we need to consider our focus. Many organizations may prioritize their bottom line, sales & revenue to stay afloat, expanding to cover untapped markets, or pushing for governmental regulation changes to support their business efforts. These are all valid and important; however, they may miss the most essential point. Without engaged employees, all this is moot.

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A Finger on the Scales of Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

A bigger issue may be figuring out to properly pay and reward the most highly productive when you no longer have the ease of patting them on the back or giving them public recognition. There is no doubt that the biggest issue is work-life balance. Solutions to that issue will require new thoughts on compensation succession planning and workforce tools.

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HR Consulting Services Matt Finkelstein HR Consulting Services Matt Finkelstein

HR to the Moon!

It happens every month, once a month, and it’s been happening since the dawn of time—the moon waxes and wanes, pulling the tides along with it. The invisible force of gravity, as slight as it may seem, has a tremendous effect on all life on this planet.

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Are you Attracting the Best Talent?

Good ‘ole Talent Acquisition. Two words that most hiring managers hate to hear, because most of the time, it means one of their best has just left for a “better opportunity”. Why does it always seem that the grass is greener; and why does it seem that other companies, dare I say your competitors, are always attracting the best candidates?

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

HR Investigations Need to Happen

Over the years, I have conducted countless corporate investigations, including harassment, improprieties, and also bullying (which is, alas, also harassment). The underlying themes in all investigations are usually three things: employees have not been trained in creating respectful workplaces, staff/leadership are not self-reflective, and HR often does not raise the issue to leadership.

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HR Consulting Services FutureSense HR Consulting Services FutureSense

Are You Marketing Yourself?

As the country hits an all-time high in unemployment claims, many of you are on the hunt for the next big career move. But have you thought about your brand, your target job, industry, or culture? It is important you market yourself and that your “brand” is on point. You need to market “You” as the best version of yourself. You may have flaws and weaknesses, but “you” the brand shouldn’t, or at least appear that way. Thinking of yourself as a better-than-average worker who can accomplish anything with ease is almost superhuman. The job market is extremely competitive, and marketing yourself in the best light is a key aspect in finding your ideal position. Here are six (6) components in marketing yourself.

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HR Consulting Services Dan Walter HR Consulting Services Dan Walter

PTO in a Staycation World

2020, the year of the forced staycation. While some people have been able to take real vacations this year, those of us with multi-generational families, who are immunocompromised or have other concerns about our health and welfare have had very limited options. In the world of Total Rewards, this creates some real concerns.

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